What is a typical college bassoon lesson like? BACK
What is a typical college bassoon lesson like? BACK
This is yet another one of those questions to which there is no real answer.
Since each teacher and each student is different each day, the best I can do is give you an outline of what a lesson with me generally entails.
1)Scales or excerpts depending on the level: As soon as we have finished exchanging pleasantries, I want to hear the things you should have under your fingers. Whatever scales or excerpts that have been assigned to you during the semester are fair game--within reason of course. We will then work on concepts related to to the scale(s) or excerpt(s) you have just played.
2)Next is your prepared rep (exercises, etudes, solo works). Generally, you will play a large section or movement all the way through before we go back and work on details. It is your responsibility to have the notes down when you walk in the door. If you are not adequately prepared and we spend a great deal of time on things you already know, you are robbing yourself of opportunities for growth. Whatever the situation, be prepared to converse about your music. Be able to explain why you played something the way you did. (This gets easier over the years as we build up a mutual vocabulary.) Do not be surprised if you are asked to relate your playing to non-musical concepts (How is playing a pickup note into a downbeat similar to taking a step?) Also, do not be surprised if we sing or yell or end up gesticulating in wild manners. Hilarity has been known to ensue.
3)If time allows, we may play duets or go over a piece with the aid of my modest piano accompaniment skills.
4)Lastly, we will decide what you are going to prepare for your next lesson and you will write it all down in your notebook which you so dutifully bring to all of your lessons.
The point is that I want you to be able to relate music and musical concepts to all parts of your life, because music truly is a life.